
ASTM Powder Package: Sync, Belpycno, SVM II, GTB ASTM F3571, ASTM B822, ASTM B923, ASTM B527, ASTM B213

Microtrac provides solutions for various ASTM standards in powder testing for particle size distribution, skeletal density, bulk density, and angle of repose. Look to us for ASTM methods for laser diffraction, gas pycnometer, tapped density, and granulate flow (angle of repose) for various powder materials ranging from alumina, metal powders, coke, etc. Whether you are planning a new project, setting up a new lab, or need to upgrade, we have special ASTM package promotions for metal powders that can help save you time and money.


Laser Diffraction – Sync and S3500 Particle Characterization Down to the Nano Range

ASTM F3571Standard Guide for Additive Manufacturing – Feedstock – Particle Shape Image Analysis by Optical Photography to Identify and Quantify the Agglomerates/Satellites in Metal Powder Feedstock

Particle characterization, especially particle size distribution, has been an important parameter for quality control (QC) and research and development (R&D) in a very wide variety of industries and markets, anywhere a particulate system is a final product or an intermediate constituent somewhere in the process. However, size alone is not a sufficient morphological measurement to use to understand many factors of the complete particle morphology of particulate systems and their effects on other properties. This information is expected to contribute to the understanding of the effects of shape on powder spreadability and flowability in the creation of the bed in powder bed fusion AM and the density and porosity of the final AM parts (definitions in ISO/ASTM 52900 and Terminology B243). Ultimately, specifications can be developed for quality control (QC) tolerances for these shape parameters that can be measured with a straightforward, fast automated analysis.

ASTM B822Standard Test Method for Particle Size Distribution of Metal Powders and Related Compounds by Light Scattering

Reported particle size measurement is a function of both the actual particle dimension and shape factor as well as the specific physical or chemical properties being measured. Caution is required when comparing data from instruments operating on different physical or chemical parameters or with different particle size measurement ranges. Sample acquisition, handling, and preparation can also affect reported particle size results.

ASTM E3340Standard Guide for Development of Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analysis Methods for Powder Materials

The technique of laser diffraction for particle size distribution analysis is extensively used in industry and academia both for online control and laboratory needs. Guidance is useful in this regard.

ASTM 1070Standard Test Method for Determining Particle Size Distribution of Alumina or Quartz by Laser Light Scattering

It is important to recognize that the results obtained by this method or any other method for particle size distribution utilizing different physical principles may disagree. The results are strongly influenced by the physical principles employed by each method of particle size analysis. The results of any particle sizing method should be used only in a relative sense and should not be regarded as absolute when comparing results obtained by other methods.

ASTM D4464Standard Test Method for Particle Size of Catalytic Materials by Laser Light Scattering – Committee D32 on Catalysts

It is important to recognize that the results obtained by this test method or any other method for particle size determination utilizing different physical principles may disagree. The results are strongly influenced by the physical principles employed by each method of particle size analysis. The results of any particle sizing method should be used only in a relative sense and should not be regarded as absolute when comparing results obtained by other methods. Particularly for fine materials (that is, average particle size < 20 μm), significant differences are often observed for laser light scattering instruments of different manufacturers. These differences include lasers of different wavelengths, detector configuration, and the algorithms used to convert scattering to particle size distribution. Therefore, a comparison of results from different instruments may be misleading.

ASTM D5861Standard Guide for Significance of Particle Size Measurements of Coating Powders

This guide describes the need to specify the measuring technique used whenever quoting the particle size distribution of a coating powder.


Gas Pycnometry – BELPYCNO and BELPYCNO L True and Skeletal Density

ASTM B923-22Standard Test Method for Metal Powder Skeletal Density by Helium or Nitrogen Pycnometry

Both suppliers and users of metals can benefit from knowledge of the skeletal density of these materials. The results of many intermediate and final processing steps are controlled by or related to the skeletal density of the metal. In addition, the performance of many sintered or cast metal structures may be predicted from the skeletal density of the starting metal powder, for all or a portion of the finished piece.

ASTM D70Standard Test Method for Metal Powder Skeletal Density by Helium or Nitrogen Pycnometry

Both suppliers and users of metals can benefit from knowledge of the skeletal density of these materials. The results of many intermediate and final processing steps are controlled by or related to the skeletal density of the metal. In addition, the performance of many sintered or cast metal structures may be predicted from the skeletal density of the starting metal powder, for all or a portion of the finished piece.

ASTM D2320Standard Test Method for Density (Relative Density) of Solid Pitch (Pycnometer Method)

Values of density and relative density are used for converting volumes to units of mass as required in other ASTM standards and sales transactions.

ASTM D5550Standard Test Method for Specific Gravity of Soil Solids by Gas Pycnometer

The specific gravity value is used in many phase relation equations to determine relative volumes of particle, water, and gas mixtures.

ASTM D6093Standard Test Method for Percent Volume Nonvolatile Matter in Clear or Pigmented Coatings Using a Helium Gas Pycnometer

This test method measures the volume of dry coating obtainable from a given volume of liquid coating. This value is useful for calculating the volatile organic content (VOC) of a coating and could be used to estimate the coverage (square feet of surface covered at a specified dry film thickness per unit volume) obtainable with different coating products.

ASTM D6226Standard Test Method for Open Cell Content of Rigid Cellular Plastics

This test method is intended to be used in specifications where the porosity of cellular plastics has a direct bearing on their end use. For example, for thermal insulation applications, a high percentage of closed cells is necessary to prevent the escape of gases and to promote low thermal conductivity. In flotation applications, high closed-cell content generally reduces water absorption.

ASTM D4892Standard Test Method for Density of Solid Pitch (Helium Pycnometer Method)

This test method is useful in characterizing pitches as one element in establishing uniformity of shipments and sources of supply. With this method, the density is determined to two decimal places, which is sufficient for most applications. If a more precise measurement is required (three decimal places), use Test Methods D2320 or D71.

ASTM D2638Standard Test Method for Real Density of Calcined Petroleum Coke by Helium Pycnometer

The real density of calcined petroleum coke directly influences the physical and chemical properties of the manufactured carbon and graphite artifacts for which it is used. Density, therefore, is a major quality specification of calcined petroleum coke and is used as a control in coke calcination.

ASTM D5965Standard Test Methods for Density of Coating Powders

Test Method A is a straightforward method using readily available laboratory equipment and glassware. Test Method A may only be used with powder that does not contain metallic pigments. Test Method B provides better precision at a higher cost and includes metallics, although different models produced different grand averages for each of the three samples tested. Test Method C may be used when the formulation is known, and the density of each raw material is available.


Tapped Density – Erweka SVM II Easy and Reliable Tapped Density Testing

ASTM D7481Standard Test Methods for Determining Loose and Tapped Bulk Densities of Powders Using a Graduated Cylinder

The data from the loose bulk density test can be used to estimate the size of bags, totes, small bins, or hoppers for the storage of a fixed mass of powder in its loose condition. It can also be used to estimate the mass of powder that will fit in small-size containers such as drums. It cannot be used to estimate powder quantities of large vessels such as silos.

ASTM B527Standard Test Method for Tap Density of Metal Powders and Compounds

This test method covers the evaluation of the tap density physical characteristics of metal powders and related compounds. The measured tap density bears a relationship to the mass of powder that will fill a fixed-volume die cavity or other container in situations where the container is tapped, vibrated, or otherwise agitated. The degree of correlation between the results of this test method and the quality of powders in use will vary with each particular application and has not been fully determined.

ASTM D4164Standard Test Method for Mechanically Tapped Packing Density of Formed Catalyst and Catalyst Carriers

This test method is to be used for measuring the mechanically tapped packing density of formed particles that will not break up during sampling, filling, or tapping of the measuring cylinder under test conditions.

ASTM D4781Standard Test Method for Mechanically Tapped Packing Density of Fine Catalyst Particles and Catalyst Carrier Particles

This test method is for measuring the mechanically tapped packing density of powders that are smaller than 0.8 mm in diameter, such as Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Catalysts (FCC).


Granulate Flow / Angle of Repose – Erweka GT Series Reproducible Determination of Bulk Density and Powder / Granule Flow Behavior

ASTM B964-23  – Standard Test Methods for Flow Rate of Metal Powders Using the Carney Funnel

The rate and uniformity of die cavity filling are related to flow properties, which thus influence production rates and uniformity of compacted parts. The ability of a powder to flow is a function of interparticle friction. As interparticle friction increases, flow is slowed. Some powders, often fine powders and lubricated powder mixtures, may not flow through the Hall funnel of Test Method B213. Nevertheless, if a larger orifice is provided, such as in the Carney funnel, a meaningful flow rate may be determined, providing specific information for certain applications.

ASTM C520-15(2020)Standard Test Methods for Density of Granular Loose Fill Insulations

Method A will be used primarily as a manufacturing quality control and field test method without the need for conditioning. For more accurate research purposes, conditioning shall be specified. Method B will be used, when specified, to determine the density at which insulation properties such as thermal resistance and placement coverage are to be determined.

ASTM D6393Standard Test Method for Bulk Solids Characterization by Carr Indices

This test method provides measurements that can be used to describe the bulk properties of a powder or granular material. The measurements can be combined with practical experience to provide relative rankings of various forms of bulk handling behavior of powders and granular materials for a specific application.

ASTM B213Standard Test Methods for Flow Rate of Metal Powders Using the Hall Flowmeter Funnel

The rate and uniformity of die cavity filling are related to flow properties, which thus influence production rates and uniformity of compacted parts. The ability of a powder to flow is a function of interparticle friction. As interparticle friction increases, flow is slowed. Fine powders may not flow. Some powders, often fine powders and lubricated powder mixtures, may not flow through the Hall Flowmeter funnel. Nevertheless, if a larger orifice is provided, such as in the Carney Flowmeter funnel of Test Methods B964, a meaningful flow rate may be determined, providing specific information for certain applications.

Entdecken Sie mithilfe unserer zahlreichen Applikationsberichte die vielen verschiedenen Anwendungsbereiche, in denen der SYNC-Partikelanalysator von Microtrac zum Einsatz kommt. Darüber hinaus bieten wir einen umfassenden Einblick in die Laserbeugungsmethodik, den Sie über unsere Wissensdatenbank abrufen können.